High Speed Tickets Lawyer in Hudson Valley, NY

If you’ve received a ticket for excessive speeding in Rockland County, NY, you are facing hefty fines, motor vehicle points and possible driver’s license suspension. Perhaps you are thinking about just paying the ticket and not bothering with the hassle of going to court to fight it. Writing a check and paying the fine for a high-speed traffic ticket or any traffic violation is the equivalent of pleading guilty.
You owe it to yourself to take advantage of a consultation with an experienced traffic ticket lawyer. I’m Jonathan D. Katz, Esq. and for more than 36 years I’ve been helping drivers in Rockland County, NY, get their traffic tickets downgraded or dismissed entirely. I can help you, too. Contact me today to schedule a consultation about your charges. I’ll fight for you in an effort to protect your driving privileges.
Why Choose Jonathan Katz to Fight Your High-Speed Traffic Ticket in Rockland County, NYBelieve it or not, there are really some times when “who you know” makes all the difference – especially in a courtroom. I’ve been working in Rockland County municipal courts fighting clients’ traffic tickets for more than three decades. I know the prosecutors, the court staffs and the judges. I know that each and every town is unique and has its own way of doing things in a courtroom. When you hire me to fight your high-speed traffic ticket, you will have the full benefits of my experience and knowledge behind you every step of the way.
Moreover, I not only stay on top of all New York traffic laws but I am constantly crafting new and creative defense strategies for my clients. I will work tirelessly to get your ticket dismissed. When that’s not possible, my next step will be to negotiate with the prosecutor to get your ticket downgraded to a non-moving violation so you don’t get any motor vehicle points on your driver’s license. Since points can add up fast, this is an extremely important point. Once you reach 11 motor vehicle points in an 18 month period, you are facing a license suspension.
In almost all cases, I will be able to stand in your place in a Rockland County, NY courtroom. This is especially helpful and cost-effective for clients who are from outside this region and would otherwise have to travel back here to appear in court to fight their charges. Also, for locals, hiring me may mean not having to take valuable time off work to sit for hours in a courtroom.
High Speed Traffic Tickets are Serious Charges in Rockland County, NYWhatever you do, don’t ignore the ticket. Many people decide to pay the ticket and plead guilty or toss the ticket in their glove box and ignore it. It’s not unusual to think that a traffic ticket is no big deal.
Make no mistake about it, once you’ve been issued a traffic violation in Rockland County, whether for excessive speeding, reckless driving, distracted driving or any other charge, ignoring the ticket is not a solution. If you do not respond to the ticket, either by paying it or appearing in court to fight it, the local Rockland County judge will likely issue a warrant for your arrest. It should go without saying that the penalties you will then be facing are likely to be more severe than some points and fines.
In the State of New York, some traffic violations are more serious than others and, as such, carry higher motor vehicle point penalties. If you accumulate 11 or more motor points on your license in any 18-month time period, a Rockland County traffic court judge is likely to suspend your driving privileges. Points for high-speed tickets add up quickly:
- When you are caught driving more than 40 miles per hour over the speed limit, you are facing 11 motor vehicle points. If you get convicted of this charge, your license will be suspended.
- For driving 31-40 mph, you will get 8 points on your license if convicted
- You’ll get 6 points if you are convicted of driving 21-30 mph over the speed limit
- For traveling a mere 11 to 20 mph over the speed limit, you will have 4 points added to your license
It’s important to know that points can add up very quickly. Police officers won’t hesitate to give multiple moving violations tickets during one traffic stop. In addition to points, if you are convicted of a traffic violation such as speeding, you will have to pay financial penalties, court costs, a Driver Assessment Fee, up to three years of surcharges on your insurance and more.
It’s certainly worth a consultation to find out how I can save you all that money, hassle and time. Contact me right away so we can start planning your defense strategy.
Any moving violation traffic ticket can potentially put your driving privileges at risk. However, a high-speed traffic ticket in Rockland County or anywhere in New York can be especially devastating. Depending on how fast you were going and how many other violations you received during the traffic stop, a judge can suspend your driver’s license.
Contact Jonathan D. Katz Esq. to schedule a consultation about your high-speed traffic ticket. He will stand up for you in any courtroom in Rockland County and will fight tirelessly to get your ticket downgraded or dismissed, when possible.
Contact us calling (845) 834-4747 (toll free (866) 614-8872 from the U.S.) or fill out the online contact form.