CDL Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Hudson Valley, NY

When a commercial truck driver fails to follow New York traffic laws, especially in Rockland County, NY, the result can be quite costly. If you are a truck driver facing a CDL traffic ticket, you could be forced to pay exorbitant fines, you’ll get tickets on your CDL, insurance premiums will likely increase and you could get in significant trouble with your employer. Some tickets will result in a suspension of your commercial driver’s license which may very well lead to unemployment.
Don’t try to fight the ticket alone and don’t just pay it and plead guilty to the CDL traffic violation. When your livelihood is at stake, contact a skilled traffic ticket lawyer who knows the courts in Rockland County, NY, and will fight for your rights. I’m Jonathan D. Katz, Esq. and I’ve helped countless truck drivers avoid fines and points associated with CDL traffic violations. Call me today to learn how I can assist you with your Rockland County, NY CDL ticket.
Experienced Legal Representation for Common CDL Violations in Rockland County, NYIf you drive a vehicle that weighs more than 26,000 pounds for a living in New York, including a bus, you will need to have a commercial driver’s license. CDLs are required for most trucks, any vehicle used to transport hazardous materials and any vehicle that can fit 15 or more passengers. To obtain a CDL, the driver must undergo specific training which includes becoming proficient at the skills it takes to manage a larger vehicle and getting a full understanding of the traffic laws governing them. A CDL is a valuable commodity for truck drivers; without it, jobs are few and far between.
It’s understandable, therefore, that you would be concerned for your livelihood if you are facing a CDL traffic violation. You could be looking at serious fines, points and possibly a suspension of your CDL. Both of those penalties could potentially put your job in jeopardy. I can help. I know the traffic laws and the courts throughout Rockland County, NY. I will fight for your rights and work tirelessly to protect your driving privileges.
Specific NY Traffic Laws Governing TrucksIf you are driving in Rockland County, New York, whether on State Route I-86, Interstate 84, the New York State Thruway (I-87) or any county roads including 9, 26, and 37, and receive a traffic ticket for any of these truck offenses, contact my office right away so I can get started building your defense to get your ticket downgraded or dismissed.
- Equipment violations
- Unsecured loads
- Overweight loads
- Length violations
- Driving in no-commercial vehicle zones
- Log book violations
In addition to truck-specific violations, I have successfully represented countless truck drivers and owners of trucks facing traffic tickets in Rockland County, NY for the following violations: drunk driving, speeding, tailgating, driving without a license or insurance, driving a commercial vehicle without a valid CDL, driving on a suspended or revoked CDL, distracted driving/cell phone tickets, careless and reckless driving including illegal or unsafe lane changes, running a red light or stop sign, failing to yield or give right of way and any other violations of New York traffic laws.
Note to out of state drivers: New York’s Department of Motor Vehicles will notify the DMV in your home state immediately of any points issued in an Rockland County court. Further, if a New York judge takes your CDL, either temporarily or permanently, you will not be able to use it legally in another state.
What are the Penalties for Serious CDL Traffic Violations in Rockland County, NY?If you are found guilty of two traffic violations in three years, while driving a commercial vehicle, you may have your license suspended for up to 60 days. If you have three serious traffic violation convictions in a three year period, the Rockland County, NY judge has the authority to suspend your CDL for 120 days.
If you are found guilty of any of these charges, you may be facing up to one year with a suspended license. (Three years if you were ticketed while driving a load of hazardous materials.)
- DWI/DUI while driving a commercial vehicle: Drunk or drugged driving laws are more strict when it comes to CDL charges; a blood alcohol level of only half the legal limit (.04 percent or more) constitutes DWI.
- Leaving the scene of an accident (hit and run)
- Driving with a suspended or revoked CDL
- Committing any felony while driving a commercial vehicle
- Refusing to obey requests for blood alcohol testing
It’s important to note that if you are found guilty of leaving the scene of an accident, any alcohol or drug violations or felony involving a motor vehicle, you can also get points on your personal driver’s license. In addition, these crimes will result in a one-year suspension of your CDL for a first offense. If it’s your second offense, New York judges have the ability to revoke your CDL permanently.
Contact as Skilled CDL Traffic Violations Lawyer to Fight Your Rockland County NY TicketWhen your commercial driver’s license and your job are on the line, you have to hire the most skilled and knowledgeable Rockland County, NY traffic ticket lawyer possible to fight your charges. Jonathan Katz has helped countless truck drivers keep their driving privileges and their jobs. He will fight your ticket, too. Contact him today to schedule a consultation and to learn your rights. Rest assured, I will fight hard for you.